How To Protect Yourself From Dangerous Ticks In The Hamptons

dog tick embedded in skin

Summer months in The Hamptons are full of activity. Tourists and locals enjoy events ranging from tanning on the beach to a leisurely hike in the forest. If you relish the outdoors by hiking on trails or playing fetch with your dog in a field, you are a prime target for ticks. 

Because ticks can be dangerous, you must be aware of these silent, blood-feeding arachnids. If you find ticks on your property, secure The Hamptons pest control team from All State Pest Control.

The Life Cycle Of Common Tick

There are four stages of a tick's development: egg, larva, nymph, and adult; these stages take about three years and multiple hosts to complete. The life cycle of ticks begins when a female tick, engorged with the blood of its host, mates and then falls off the host. Free from the host, the female deposits thousands of eggs before dying. 

The eggs hatch into six-legged larvae. Ticks must feed on blood at each life cycle stage, so the larvae wait for a suitable host. Hosts, such as animals or humans, are detected by their odor, breath, body heat, vibrations, and moisture. Since the larvae can not fly or jump, they use "questing." 

Questing is accomplished by the tick holding onto the leaves or grass by one or two pairs of legs and reaching out with the front legs. When a host walks by, the tick grabs onto the host. Once on the host, they begin feeding on the host's blood. 

Once engorged with blood, the larvae detach and molt into an eight-legged nymph. When complete, the nymph begins questing for a new, more prominent host. The nymph fills itself with blood, then detaches. After it is separated, it starts the final molt into adulthood. 

The Dangerous Diseases Tick Bites Are Known To Spread

Ticks in The Hamptons include three tick species: deer ticks, lone star ticks, and the American dog tick (or wood tick). All three types of ticks in The Hamptons can infect the host with illnesses from bacteria, viruses, and protozoans. 

According to a 2019 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report, tick bites were responsible for 50,865 diseases in the United States. The following are commonly associated with tick bites in The Hamptons:

  • Lyme disease 
  • Anaplasmosis 
  • Babesiosis 
  • Heartland virus 
  • Southern tick-associated rash illness
  • Bourbon virus 
  • Tick paralysis
  • tularemia
  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever

In addition to these diseases, tick bites may cause itching, fever, chills, and, in some cases, ulcers. 

Five Helpful Tips To Prevent Tick Bites While Out And About

Although quick removal of the tick reduces your chance of contracting a disease, you need to take steps for tick control. Five effective ways to keep yourself safe from ticks are: 

  1. Maintain a three-foot perimeter
  2. Mow the lawn
  3. Keep shrubs trimmed
  4. Dispose of leaf piles
  5. Wear protective clothing

Upon returning from a hike or playing in the grass, examine your body and pets for ticks. Look for tick bites in hidden places like armpits, belly buttons, behind the ears, and your hair.

The Best Way To Keep Ticks Away From Your Yard

Don't put yourself at risk from tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease. Contact our home pest control team at All State Pest Control to get rid of ticks on your property. We use environmentally safe and effective treatments that eradicate ticks on your property so you can enjoy fun in the sun. We will help you identify additional steps you can take to ensure a safe outdoor experience for your family and pets. Reach out to us today and get peace of mind.