The Trick To Successful Wasp Prevention For Yards In The Hamptons

stinging insect

We know summer in the Hamptons brings beachgoers, politicians, celebrities, and late-night partiers. We know by the congested roads that the Hamptons is the summer destination for many people. Of course, not only do the rich, famous, and others flock to our town for summer fun but so do the wasps. These flying fortresses want to enjoy their summers here too!

Call The Hamptons pest control team at All State Pest Control if you are cowering in fear of wasps on your property. We may not be able to stop the summer traffic congestion, but we can solve the wasp problem on your property.

The Life Cycle Of Common Wasps In Queens

The life cycle of a wasp begins with the queen. After a winter of hibernation, the fertilized queen begins to construct a nest of hexagonal cells for future offspring from wood. While building the nest, she lays up to 300 eggs a day, and, using stored sperm, she fertilizes the eggs. When the eggs hatch, white, legless, and grub-like larvae emerge. The queen feeds the larvae using a slurry created after chewing up dead insects. 

As the larvae prepare to begin the pupa stage, they make a silk cap over the opening of their nest cell. During the pupa stage, which lasts about a month, the pupa grows wings and legs, and its body becomes segmented and darker. When complete, the wasp emerges as a sterile female worker. The barren workers enlarge the nest, provide food for the eggs the queen continues to produce, and defend the nest.  

At the end of the summer, the queen produces one final set of eggs. Unlike the eggs of sterile workers, the final batch delivers fertile male and female wasps. When the last group emerges as adults, the male wasps migrate away from the nest, mate, and die. The newly fertilized females retain stored sperm and hibernate for the winter. Fertilized females lucky enough to survive the winter become the queens continuing the cycle for another season.

Some Wasps Can Be Dangerously Aggressive

Unless the nest is disturbed, wasps will not usually attack. As nests reach capacity and food becomes scarce in the fall, they can become aggressive. There are, however, some wasp species that are aggressive all the time. The following types of wasps in The Hamptons are known for consistently aggressive behavior: 

  • Hornets
  • Yellow jackets 

Although many think hornets and yellow jackets are different, they are in the same family as wasps. 

Five Naturally Effective Wasp Prevention Tips

The following are five tips for wasp prevention on your Queens property: 

  1. Trim bushes and trees: This will stop hornets from building nests. It's best to trim in early spring before they are active. 
  2. Remove dead trees and leaves: Hornets and other wasps like building in tree hollows, and dead leaves cover the yellow jackets that build in-ground nests. 
  3. Seal outdoor trash cans: The sweet and protein-rich foods discarded in garbage cans attract all wasps.
  4. Cover food at outdoor gatherings: Adult wasps are attracted to carbohydrates for their sustenance, and they use high-protein foods to feed their young. 
  5. Spray former nest areas: Use a combination of essential oils, clove, geranium, and lemongrass mixed with soapy water as an effective way to prevent wasps from returning to a favorite location.

These tips for wasp control in Queens will keep wasps away once the team from All State Pest Control removes wasps nests from your property. Once removed, implement these steps to avoid wasps on your property. 

The Most Successful Wasp Control For Manhattan Yards

The safe and effective way to get rid of wasps on your Manhattan area property is through our home pest control professionals from All State Pest Control. We use environmentally safe treatments and humane methods to eradicate these painful pests from your yard. Contact us today and let us solve your wasp infestation.